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Friday 22 January 2010

Albers: Dutch design.

Dutch multimedia designer, Ties Albers, has already clocked up clients like MTV,  Budweiser, Nickelodeon, Camel, Converse, Vans, Renault and Flavorpill before hitting the age of  27.  His style has been described as 'fresh and shiny with bright colours, strange symmetry and combinations'. But his art is inspired by what he sees. Simple!  "I collect images all the time and select details I can use in my art. I like to use elements from nature and the street - all with the same 'spark'. And to keep what seems to be an endless flow of creating work. I like to go out to the pub, watch a movie, listen to music or go for a walk in nature. A good night's sleep helps too!  When a briefing comes in,  I start to collect some images to get in the mood of the client. Then I make a first sketch and send this to the client with the question if I'm heading in the right direction. When it's approved,  I tweak it to the end result and then try to push it to make it even better".

 Go shopping for t-shirts on Ties' website www.hypnoteis.nl

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